Learning Shodo

Shodo Canada holds instructional classes at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto, Ontario and at the University of Toronto Robarts Library from September to June each year. Classes expose students to both individual and group practice, and include basic form and advanced styles. Occasional "performance under pressure" exercises provide an enjoyable chance to show off one's skill while also training students for those times when they may be asked to demonstrate Shodo to audiences in other venues.

Multi-Faceted Instruction

Studying Shodo involves much more than practicing line work, and includes cultural discussion, history lessons, etymology of Japanese and Chinese characters and the wonderful serendipity of what students contribute and question themselves.

Etymology & Cultural Context

Understanding the history behind the characters and phrases of a work of Shodo is a fascinating exploration of Japanese cultural theory.

Study Samples

Careful observation of a sample work is the first step in training the hand. "Feeling" the brush and visualizing the spirit of the work are elusive but powerful.